Monday, October 24, 2011

Paris, here we come again.

So, we haven't left yet for our 20 year anniversary trip to Europe. Unfortunately the conference in Berlin where Ed was going to speak was canceled. So instead of traveling around for a month we decided to go for two weeks. Which means I should stop being lazy and start posting for the next two weeks.

All of these photos were shot from our last trip to Paris in May of 2011. The weather was really nice. Which I'm hoping will be the case when we arrive there in a few weeks.

I'm also looking forward to the Diane Arbus exhibition at the Jeu de Paume.

And Paris Photo! Yes, we will be there nerding out.

But most of all I look forward to just walking around with the man I have spent the last 20 years, well actually 24 years with.


Anonymous said...


Deanna Templeton said...

Why the sad face anonymous?

Anonymous said...

Because, the lack of leaves on the trees in Europe then. U missing a great exhibition. There is no rain here now, it's dry and beautiful specialy for colour pictures.

[s] said...

Yo, yo wait. The trees have leaves! Nice colorful leaves.
I don´t know wich street of europe anonymous is at home, but over here at my place it´s truly beautiful right now.Load your portra, reala, x-tra or what ever use..
You won´t be disappointed.
Have fun, and congrats on the 20/24 years anniversary!
S van